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Avoid the quarantine 15

Avoid the quarantine 15
/ Patrik Giardino / Stone / Getty Images

Your gym is closed. You're baking up a storm. You're snacking while you stream. You're on track for the "quarantine 15". 

Health and exercise experts say all of our trips to the refrigerator or the pantry during confinement could have us packing on up to 15 pounds. How can you avoid the stress-related weight gain?

Here are 4 easy tips to help you gain control:

  1. Log your food intake daily. You can use a free app or just plain old pen and paper. You'll be surprised at how fast all that grazing adds up. 

  2. Avoid mindless snacking. Try and choose snacks less than or equal to 150 calories. Opt for fibre and protein and try to avoid sugars. And this is easier said than done but, don't mindlessly snack in front of a screen.

  3. Avoid sugary drinks. Aim for 0-5 calorie beverages like water, sugar free seltzers and 1% skim milk.

  4. Get moving! An online bootcamp or yoga class is literally a tap or two away. Make it a daily plan to be active for a half hour (minimum) every day. 
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