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Kim Kardashian wants to borrow Madonna's iconic costumes

Kim Kardashian wants to borrow Madonna's iconic costumes
/ © Cover Media

Kim Kardashian has asked Madonna if she can borrow some of her iconic costumes.

The reality star-turned-beauty mogul made the request during the recording of a Madame Xtra Q&A addition to the Like A Virgin singer's new Madame X documentary.

Kim teased her contribution to the Q&A on Instagram on Thursday, posting a video of herself asking if she could rummage in Madonna's famous fashion archives for a new outfit.

"Okay, queen Madonna. Do you have all of your award show and music video wardrobe? And... can I wear something one day?" she inquired.

The 63-year-old called Kim's question "so cute," before revealing that "of course" she has a fashion archive - but stated that Kim might be setting herself up for disappointment as no one is allowed to touch her dresses without taking precautions.

"It's (the archive's) in Brooklyn. You have to wear rubber gloves to touch anything," the pop superstar added.

If Kim does want to get her hands on one of Madonna's most iconic outfits, there's another avenue open to her - as French fashion house Jean Paul Gaultier is launching a rental service allowing fashionistas to borrow some of its most iconic designs. These include the infamous satin cone brassiere corsets Madonna wore during her 1990 Blond Ambition tour.

The new Q&A version of the Madame X documentary will debut on 18 November.

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