Vicki Lawrence has shared the last words of her co-star, Betty White.
Last week, the actress's longtime manager Jeff Witjas confirmed White had passed away "peacefully in her sleep," weeks shy of her 100th birthday. Lawrence and the Golden Girls star were lifelong friends, first appearing together on The Carol Burnett Show in the 1970s and again as a mother-daughter duo for Mama's Family.
"I hadn't been able to reach her lately. I wrote her a long letter a while back but she did not answer, which was unlike her," the 72-year-old told The Hollywood Reporter. "I knew she was not well, and this was coming, but it was still sad not to hear from her."
The actress added that while discussing the beloved star's passing with Burnett, the two agreed that it is "so f***ing hard to watch the people you love go away." Burnett claimed that White's assistant, who was at her side while she died, had heard her mouth the name Allen.
The name refers to her third husband, Allen Ludden, to whom she was married for 18 years before he passed away in 1981 from stomach cancer. Following his death, White claimed in several interviews she would never marry again and hoped to see her husband after her death.
"That's so lovingly sweet. I hope that is true," Lawrence added.