Graham Norton has named Harvey Weinstein as the "worst-ever" guest to appear on his talk show.
During a recent conversation in Dublin, Ireland to promote his new book Forever Home, the TV host was asked about his least favourite guest, and he didn't hesitate to select disgraced producer Weinstein, who appeared on an episode alongside David Tennant, Olivia Colman, and Jessie J in 2007.
"I often talk around who my least favourite guest was, but now, someone reminded me, I have a really good answer to this now. It's Harvey Weinstein. He's in jail, so he gets the prize for the worst guest ever," he said, according to JOE. "And actually, it was weird, because he asked for my email. And he emailed me something very nice, a complimentary thing. And then, he decided he wanted to be on the show because he was going to promote something."
Norton went on to recall how Weinstein wouldn't take no for an answer.
"At the time, I thought that sort of attitude, that kind of, 'Oh no, I'm going on', that is what makes you a very good producer," the 59-year-old continued. "But of course, now that we know what we know, that is what makes him a predator. It was that kind of weird, tunnel-vision thing. And it was sort of chilling in retrospect because I was just laughing at those emails. But you realise, 'Oh my God, that is an insight into how that man is.'"
More than 80 women made allegations of sexual harassment and/or rape against Weinstein in October 2017, sparking the #MeToo social media movement.
He was found guilty of two felonies in February 2020 and sentenced to 23 years in prison.