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When your baby cries do you run to his/her crib or do you let them cry it out?

When your baby cries do you run to his/her crib or do you let them cry it out?
/ Thanasis Zovoilis / The Image Bank / Getty Images

When your baby cries do you run to his or her crib or do you let them cry it out? Cry it out, is also known as the extinction method, it is considered a sleeping training technique that involves putting your baby to bed and allowing him or her to fuss or cry until he or she falls asleep without going back into the room.

According to Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry letting your child cry it out is perfectly fine. A baby's development at 18 months old is not adversely affected by being left to cry it out researchers at the University of Warwick have found. Letting a baby cry for a while to see whether it can calm her/himself may help babies to learn to self-regulate and provide a first sense of self. Although a third of parents never let their baby cry it out. 

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