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Brad Pitt & Jennifer Aniston Reunite for Fast Times at Ridgemont High

Brad Pitt & Jennifer Aniston Reunite for Fast Times at Ridgemont High
Image / Kevin Winter / Staff / Getty Images Entertainment
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Jennifer Aniston and Brad Pitt are acting together again! YAY!

A virtual onscreen reunion went viral of a reading for the remake of "Fast Times at Ridgemont High". Dane Cook is bringing together an "A list" of actors to reenact the 1982 classic. Aniston (Linda Barrett) and Brad (Hamilton), appear on screen together for the first time since their 2005 divorce.

Also featured in the live table was Cook as Mark "Rat" Ratner, Ray Liotta as Mr. Hand, John Legend as Charles Jefferson, Henry Golding as Mr. Vargas, Shia LaBeouf as Spicoli, Matthew McConaughey as Mike Damone, Julia Roberts as Stacy Hamilton, Sean Penn as a delivery driver, Morgan Freeman reading stage directions and Jimmy Kimmel as all other characters.

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