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The things that most attract the opposite sex

The things that most attract the opposite sex
Image / Peter Dazeley / The Image Bank / Getty Images

Over the years, there have been plenty of studies to determine what men and women find most attractive in the opposite sex. What follows is a quick breakdown of what men and women like based on several studies. We've linked to each study in case you'd like more information. 

1. Facial expressions

According to science, men are more attracted to women who look happy and have a nice smile. Meanwhile, women love men with proud faces.

2. Active body language

Both men and women take great notice of posture, stance, and overall body movement. In fact, when shown various photographs, the respondents all considered people who were captured in motion more attractive than those who were photographed still.

3. Smell

Apparently, women are attracted to the smell of men who have eaten garlic while men enjoy the smell of junk food, such as donuts or popcorn. 

4. A similarity with parents of the opposite sex

According to another study, both men and women are often attracted to someone who has the same eye, hair, and skin color as their parents. 

5. Great hair

Men are mostly attracted to women with long hair. Women, however, are not so fixated on men’s hair and if they are, these preferences tend to change throughout their lifetime.

6. Pets

This is a no-brainer. Regardless if you are a man or woman, you will be attracted to someone who shares the same love of animals. Obviously, dog lovers tend to date others who have a dog and the same applies to cat owners. 

7. Good taste in music

Another study interviewed 1500 people and showed that most participants were attracted to those who share the same taste in music. Of course, the same can be said about anything really. Obviously, the more two people have in common, the more they can enjoy spending time together. 

8. Approximately equal attractiveness

Scientists found that most men and women are more inclined to choose a partner who is considered as attractive as they are. The reason is that people feel insecure if they date someone they consider far more attractive. 


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