Supervised team sports will resume across Quebec through June as the province gradually loosens public health restrictions aimed at reducing the spread of COVID-19.
The Minister for Education Isabelle Charest made the announcement Thursday also saying that gyms are expected to reopen as regions across the province transition to the orange zone.
“We are slowly taking our favourite activities back up,” she said.
Under the plan, groups of up to 25 people will be able to take part in outdoor sports in regions that are designated yellow zones starting June 11.
Sports with little physical contact such as soccer, baseball, and volleyball will be allowed in those areas.
Other sports such as basketball that consist of heavy physical contact, will not be allowed just yet.
Meanwhile, large-scale outdoor events will return on June 25.
“It will be possible to organize competitions and tournaments and it will also be possible to accommodate spectators,” said Charest.
In red and orange zones, this will only include non-contact sports.
According to Charest, most regions in Quebec are expected to be downgraded to yellow by the end of next month. Unfortunately, Montreal and Laval are staying red for at least another two weeks.
As of June 25, all regions will be allowed to have organized tournaments and competitions which must be held outside. Spectators will also be permitted so long as they respect the measures in place for outdoor public gatherings.
Outdoor activities and sports in green zones will be able to accommodate groups of up to 50 people.
“We’re coming back to a certain normalcy,” Charest said, adding Quebecers’ efforts to stem the tide of the virus are bearing fruit.
Regarding indoor activities:
Gyms are only allowed to reopen in regions that are not designated red zones.
In yellow zones, a group of a maximum of 12 people can participate in an indoor sport together.
Competitions and tournaments can only take place indoors when a region is downgraded to the green alert level.