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Kim Kardashian celebrates passing 'baby bar' law exam

Kim Kardashian celebrates passing 'baby bar' law exam
/ Cover Media

Kim Kardashian has passed the "baby bar" law exam on her fourth attempt.

In 2019, the reality TV star announced that she was studying to become a lawyer and was undertaking a four-year apprenticeship supervised by the team at non-profit #cut50, which was co-founded by Van Jones.

Following three attempts at taking the first-year law exam, known as the "baby bar", Kim took to Instagram on Monday to share that she had passed the test.

"Looking in the mirror, I am really proud of the woman looking back today in the reflection," she began. "For anyone who doesn't know my law school journey, know this wasn't easy or handed to me. I failed this exam 3 times in 2 years, but I got back up each time and studied harder and tried again until I did it!!! (I did have COVID on the 3rd try (with) a 104 fever but I'm not making excuses)."

Kim went on to thank Van, Jessica Jackson, and Erin Haney for their guidance, as well as Sam Arlen Farkas and Chuck Shonholtz for helping her prepare.

Reflecting on her journey, the mother-of-four noted that while it felt "close to impossible" at the beginning, she is extremely happy to be on the way to achieving her goals and is certain her father, late attorney Robert Kardashian, would be proud of her accomplishments.

"He would actually be so shocked to know that this is my path now but he would have been my best study partner. I am told he was notorious for making fun of people who didn't pass on their first attempt like he did, but he would have been my biggest cheerleader!" the 41-year-old added. "Bottom line is don't ever give up even when you are holding on by a thread, you can do it!!!!! Set your mind to it and get it done because it feels soooooo good once you get to the other side!"


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