Neve Campbell once survived being attacked by a bear on a film set when she was 17.
During an interview on The Kelly Clarkson Show, the 48-year-old actress shared details surrounding the incident without naming the film.
"I was playing this role where (my character is) 'at one with the animals' and there was a scene where I was getting chased by a bear," the Scream star said. "They brought this bear on set and they first gave me this big bottle of Coke to feed it so now this is a bear on a sugar rush. (After feeding it), they said dip your hand in honey and just run. And when you get to the tree over there, turn around and stick your hand out and feed the bear."
Campbell said she followed their instructions, but when she turned around to feed the animal the honey, the bear didn't slow down.
"He grabs me by the leg and he pulls me through the forest," The Craft star continued. "My mother was visiting the set and she's screaming. The whole crew is frozen because nobody can believe what's happening. All I could think to say is, 'He's biting me,' like it wasn't obvious."
The bear wrangler on set eventually saved her by throwing rocks at the animal. The attack left her with no major injuries and she even offered to try again as they didn't get it on camera.