Not sure if your kid is too young to start working, but they want to make some extra money? There are many jobs for you to help your kid get integrated into the workforce even at a young age.
If you kid is still too young to get a summer job at a grocery store, or clothing store here are somethings they can do in the meantime.
Lawn Mowing: although if your kid is still too young to use a lawn mower this might not be the right job for them but if it is this can range from a one-time gig or even an ongoing one for the whole summer.
Yard Work: Helping out with yard work can also be a great way for your kid to start to learn a sense of responsibility. This may also be a one-time gig or can also be something that can go on for the whole summer.
Lifeguard: With public pools opening up this can be also a fun way for your kids to enjoy the summer weather. Although this job does requires your child to know how to swim very well.
Babysitting: All parents need a few hours to enjoy time with their partners so why not offer babysitting services, something that is not for a whole day just a couple of hours and will also teach your kids responsibility.
Dog Walkers: Does your child love animals? Well this can be great, a lot of dog owners have busy schedules and sometimes it is hard for them to take the time to give their canines the exercise they need. So a job like this can definitely give your kid exercise and also have fun.
Washing Cars: Going around your neighborhood offering car washes can also be fun. Again depends the age of your child but everyone needs their car cleaned.
If you kid is of age to start woking at daycamps or malls that can also be an option. Even that little cafe next to your house can be fun to get a few hours in.
Let us know what kind of job you had growing up?