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Aside from the scale, here are 5 ways to track your workout progress

Aside from the scale, here are 5 ways to track your workout progress
Image / @fitathlete.alessandro

Fitness coach Alessandro Passalalpi and owner of Fitathelte helps us track other ways of our fitness journey than just stepping on a scale. Here are 5 ways to keep track of your progress aside from using a scale.

1: Keep A Journal 
It is a marathon not a sprint when it comes to our health and well-being. Put the aesthetic goals aside and really ask yourself how you're feeling mentally. This can be the biggest boost of all, especially in terms of a change in your outlook and mood. 

2: Keeping Your Caloric Intake Consistent 
The gym and the scale aren't the only areas to record progress. Nutritional consistency is just as key. An application like My Fitness Pal can help keep track of consistently hitting your nutritional requirements. 

3: Progressive Overload 
Track your lifts during workouts and during each set, try to use a heavier weight. Before you know it, you'll be pleasantly surprised by how far you've come. 

4: Track Your Activity 
Similar to nutrition, keeping track of your steps and activity level is a great way to keep consistent. Especially when it comes to steps, goals can be modified on the regular. Not only is this a great goal but a therapeutic one as well. 

5: Before And After Photos 
Seeing progress over the course of an extended period is quite impactful, especially if frequent before and after photos are taken. This is a great way to ensure that although the scale isn't moving quickly, the body fat is definitely being reduced. 


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