Staying a step ahead of kids...
The holidays are here again, and with that comes the stress of holiday shopping. But while shopping for the right gift is sometimes difficult, many parents say that trying to surprise their kids with those gifts is even harder. Yes folks, sometimes the toughest assignment on your holiday to-do list is hiding the gifts from nosy kids.
According to a recent survey, four in ten parents admit to putting dud gifts in places children are bound to look while six in ten children claim they know exactly where their parents hide the presents. Four in ten said that if they find the hiding place, they prefer to take a guess by feeling the packaging while only a third say they will shake the gift to try and figure out what is inside. Finally, only one in ten admitted that they are tempted to take a sneak peek by peeling back the wrapping paper.
Depending on the age and personalities of your kids— not to mention the size of each gift— you may find that you have to think of some really clever ideas so they don’t stumble upon them before the big day. In other words, shoving the gifts inside your closet might not cut it.
Last year, we asked listeners for feedback. Here is a list of the ten places most of you recommended.
Top 10 places to hide Christmas Gifts
- The Attic.
- Your Underwear Drawer.
- Suitcases.
- In plain sight.
- The Garbage.
- Under Your Bed.
- Your Car.
- At Your Office
- Inside pots and pans.
- In your garage.