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The most common words Quebecers say differently than the rest of Canada

The most common words Quebecers say differently than the rest of Canada
Image / martinedoucet / E+ / Getty Images

As Montrealers, we are no strangers to hearing foreigners mispronounce local everyday words… Such as Montreal (it’s MUN-TREE-AAL).

Whether they are mispronounced or are just completely different from what words we use, Montrealers (and Quebecers in general), have their own way of saying things that completely sets us apart from the rest of Canada… and the world, really.

Not too sure what we’re talking about?

Here is short list of words and sayings that Montrealers say differently than everyone else:

  • Instead of ‘convenience store’, Montrealers say: Depanneur
  • Instead of ‘pop’, Montrealers say: Soft drink
  • Instead of ‘pencil crayon’, Montrealers say: Coloured pencils
  • Instead of ‘cabin’, Montrealers say: Chalet
  • Instead of ‘cutlery’, Montrealers say: Utensils
  • Instead of ‘terrace’, Montrealers say: Terrasse (pronounced: teh-rah-ss)

Montrealers really do have their own interpretation of both the English and French language.

What are some other words or sayings that you would add to this list?

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