When it comes to holiday treats, no one knows their cookies like The Beat 92.5’s Meghan Kelly. Everything from cookies, bark, and everything in between… She loves them all!
In order to narrow down which holiday treat deserves the top ranking, we asked Meghan to give us the ultimate Christmas cookie breakdown, from worst to best.
Let's see if you agree with what she had to say:
10. Danish Butter Cookies:
“No, that tin is where you keep your sewing tools. Bottom of the list.”
Source: Veronika Ryabova / iStock / Getty Images Plus / Getty Images
9. Linzer Cookies:
“They’re dry and give me the willies… Meh.”
Source: Anjelika Gretskaia / Moment / Getty Images
8. Rum Balls:
“Not interested… But, yay for the rum!”
Source: Edwin Tan / E+ / Getty Images
7. Lemon Drop Cookies:
“Love, but only with a nice cup of tea!”
Source: Mariia Kozub / iStock / Getty Images Plus / Getty Images
6. Gingersnaps:
“Delicious, but too much work.”
Source: © Ian Laker Photography / Moment / Getty Images
5. Sugar Cookies:
“Yay for the sugar, nay for the cavities.”
Source: bluestocking / E+ / Getty Images
4. Gingerbread Cookies:
“Love them, but only if the house is pre-decorated and waiting for me to eat!”
Source: Flavia Morlachetti / Moment / Getty Images
3. Chocolate Bark:
“I just took a DNA test, and turns out I’m 100% addicted.”
(Prob the only thing that Meghan can cook without burning.)
Source: VeselovaElena / iStock / Getty Images Plus / Getty Images
2. Pillsbury Ready-To-Make Cookies:
“Super festive and totally ideal for the lazy chef (like me)!”
1. Chocolate Chip Cookies:
“You can never go wrong with a yummy chocolate chip cookie!”
Source: Cyndi Monaghan / Moment / Getty Images