With 2023 coming in fast, we put together our top 7 New Year superstitions.
1. Midnight kiss
Make sure to kiss your significant other at midnight to celebrate together, but also to make sure the love you share continues into the new year. Fail to kiss your better half and you might find yourself in trouble in the following twelve months...
Source: SEAN GLADWELL / Moment / Getty Images
2. First footing
The first person to enter your house after midnight will influence the rest of your year! Let the first footer in by answering the door, and make sure they don't enter using a key (even if it's a householder!)
3. Work
You should do something related to your work on the first day of the year. You don't need to go near your workplace, as long as you're successful in whatever you choose to do!
4. No laundry
Never do laundry on the first day of the year, or a member of your family will be washed away in the following months...
Source: GK Hart/Vicky Hart / Stone / Getty Images
5. New clothes (yay!)
Use this superstition as an excuse to wear something new on New Year's day! It will increase the chances of you receiving new clothes in the following months.
6. Breaking things
It's simple, just don't break things on the first day of the year (or wreckage will follow you everywhere).
7. Out with the old, in with the new
Open all the doors to your house (even the main door) to welcome in the New Year with open arms and let only good things come through.
Source: Andreas von Einsiedel / Corbis Documentary / Getty Images