Everyone knows Victoria Day weekend marks the (unofficial) beginning of summer. From patio drinks to picnics and all the way to bixi riders all over town, the Montreal scenery will truly start to feel like summer.
As Victoria Day is a National Holiday, this also means certain stores and services will be closed. In order to prepare for the long weekend, here is what will be open and closed on Victoria Day Monday:
Source: Oscar Wong / Moment / Getty Images
- Bars
- Malls
- Certain sports centres
- Certains museums
- Movie theatres
- Collection of trash & recycling
- Retail stores
- Convenience stores
- Grocery stores
- Pharmacies
- Hardware stores
- Certain restaurants
- STM (with restricted schedules)
- Most libraries
- Most municipal institutions and offices
- Municipal courts
- Financial institutions
- Federal points of service
- Provincial points of service
- Canada Post