Another long weekend is upon us, Montreal (YAY!) While this means more backyard barbecues, parties with friends, and loooots of sleeping in for some, it also means that some of Montreal's stores and services will be closed.
So make sure to plan ahead, Montreal! Here's what's opened and closed in the city this upcoming Canada Day:
Source: CHUYN / E+ / Getty Images
- Convenience stores
- Grocery stores
- Ecocentres
- Pharmacies (with some exceptions)
- Restaurants and bars
- Gas stations
- Biodome, Biosphere, Botanical Garden, Insectarium, Planetarium
- Banks (closed July 1st and July 3rd)
- Shopping malls
- SAAQ service centres
- Retail stores
- Canada Post (closed July 1st and July 3rd)
While some businesses choose to close on Friday, June 30th, some will rather choose to do so on Monday, July 3rd (so keep an eye out!)