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Fridge vs. pantry...where do these common food items belong?

Fridge vs. pantry...where do these common food items belong?
Food stored in fridge / Capelle.r / Moment / Getty Images

Ketchup, honey, bread...does the fridge or the pantry come to mind when you picture these items? In our minds, it's pretty debatable!

Whether you store these common food items in your fridge or in your pantry, here is what experts recommend...


This debate is no longer...sinde world-famous ketchup brand 'Heinz' officially revealed that ketchup should be stored in the fridge!


Since honey is best stored at room temperature, it's best to keep it on a shelf or in your pantry! 


According to an article posted by food guru Martha Stewart, "Tomatoes are most flavorful at peak ripeness and when stored at room temperature." So, they belong in the pantry or on the countertop!

Soy sauce

Unless you don't regularly use soy sauce while cooking, the condiment should be stored at room temperature. Although, storing soy sauce in the fridge will maintain its peak quality for longer...so this one's debatable!


Apples & Oranges

These common fruits might be hanging out in your fruit bowl on the countertop...but maybe they shouldn't!

As they ripen, these fresh fruits should be placed on the countertop. BUT, if you buy them ripe, they should be refrigerated. 


This one seems to cause quite the debate...but according to experts, bread should NOT be stored in the fridge. When cooled, the bread's starch molecules recrystalize quickly, causing the bread to stale much faster. So into the cupboard it goes!

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