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Emily Ratajkowski has 'condensed' beauty routine since becoming a mum

Emily Ratajkowski has 'condensed' beauty routine since becoming a mum
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Emily Ratajkowski has explained that her beauty routine has become "condensed" since becoming a mum.

The 32-year-old model and actress has revealed that motherhood has changed the way she gets ready in the morning.

"My beauty routine definitely became condensed," Emily told Elle in an interview published on Thursday. "I get ready quicker than I did before I became a mum."

The catwalk star went on to share that she has been wearing red lipstick recently, which her son, three-year-old Sebastian, approves of.

"(It's) a commitment," she said of the look. "You got to make sure that it's not on your teeth."

Emily added that Sebastian enjoys watching her get ready in the morning and even "put on red lipstick the other day".

She said of Sebastian watching her get ready, "I think it's important for your child to see you living your life and then being a part of it."

The My Body author, who is a self-proclaimed "make-up obsessive", also shared a few details about her beauty routine.

"I'm very into terracotta (shades). I don't let my face get in the sun, but my skin is naturally olive, so if I don't warm my face up with make-up, I look bad. I look pale and jaundice," she told the publication. "I like to look dewy in general. I like my skin to look healthy and dewy. My girlfriends and I call it sl*t gloss."

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