August has just begun, and for those seeking an exciting show up in the sky, there are currently two visible meteor showers in the skies above Montreal.
The Southern Delta Aquariids are set to continue until August 21, alongside the renowned Perseid Meteor Shower, which will last until September 1.
MétéoMédia suggests that the ideal time to view the Perseids meteor shower is on August 12th.
They mentioned how "up to 100 meteors an hour could streak across the sky during the night of August 11-12.” Now that’s a lot of meteors!
If you're searching for prime locations to observe meteor showers, Park Frédéric-Back and the Belvédère Outremont lookout are top recommendations.
Additionally, if you're interested in attending a viewing event, the Montreal Botanical Garden is hosting them from August 10 to 15, starting at 8:30 pm.
For more information, make sure to click here.