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The Beat of Your Mother's Day

The Beat of Your Mother's Day
Image / manonallard / E+ / Getty Images

What to do with your mom on Mother's Day

Since this year's Mother's Day will be a little different then other years. Here are a few ideas to celebrate Mother's Day from the safety of your homes. READ MORE

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Our Favourite Celebrity Mothers & Daughters!

As Mother’s Day approaches, take a moment to admire the special bond that links our favourite celebs with THEIR moms! Some of them look so alike! READ MORE HERE

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What Moms Really Want

Mother’s Day is a time for connection and appreciation. 

Over the years, the traditional celebration of Mother’s Day has become a bit of a greed fest! The insane amount of websites promoting good and services, products and gifts for Mother’s Day illustrates that gift-giving has become the “mainstream” way of celebrating Mother’s Day.  READ MORE



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