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There has been a steady increase of businesses allowing customers to pay as they want

There has been a steady increase of businesses allowing customers to pay as they want
Image / z_wei / iStock / Getty Images Plus
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Over the past few years, there has been a steady increase of businesses allowing customers to pay as they want. Adopting this type of business model may sound like a radical concept but research shows that pay-what-you-want pricing can sometimes lead to an increase in revenue.

There is no doubt the PWYW model has picked up steam in recent years as it is being used by more and more companies as time goes on— but, does it work for everyone? And, is it as simple as just letting people pay whatever they want?

Recently on the Nikki and The Morning Show, Nikki Balch, Stuntman Sam, and Mark Bergman discussed the concept and if they think it’s a smart idea or not. Take a listen to the segment above. Enjoy!

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