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Weekend Traffic: Avoid the Turcot and Highway 15

Weekend Traffic: Avoid the Turcot and Highway 15
Image / Patrick_Lauzon / iStock / Getty Images Plus / Getty Images

If you are planning on driving this weekend in Montreal, you might want to avoid Highway 15 northbound between the Samuel-de Champlain Bridge and the Turcot Interchange along with the Ville-Marie Expressway (720) eastbound between the Turcot and the tunnel.

**See pictures below for a clearer understanding of what to avoid this weekend**


Friday 10 p.m. to Monday at 5 a.m.

Complete closure of A-15 North at the end of the Samuel-De Champlain Bridge, between exit 58 (Île des Sœurs, A-10 West, downtown Montreal) and the Turcot interchange.

Detour via the A-10 West, boulevard Robert-Bourassa, rue Saint-Antoine Ouest and the entrance at rue Lucien-L’Allier for the A 720 / R-136 West. Trucks, via Saint-Jacques, Mansfield, and Saint-Antoine Ouest streets.

When driving in Verdun and LaSalle on the A-10 West, make a U-turn at exit 2 (avenuehnb Pierre-Dupuy), chemin des Moulins, rue Carrie-Derick and boulevard Gaétan Laberge.

Default Closures

Entrances from Nuns' Island, Gaétan-Laberge Boulevard, Atwater Avenue and De La Vérendrye Boulevard.


Entrance to boulevard De La Vérendrye: via boulevards du Tricentenaire and Angrignon and A-20 West or A-20 East towards A-15 North (Décarie). Head east, via rue Saint-Patrick, rue Eadie, avenue de l'Eglise, boulevard De La Vérendrye and follow the previous detour.

Municipal network and MUHC: on Angrignon Boulevard, via Sainte-Anne-de-Bellevue Boulevard, Saint-Jacques Street, Cavendish Boulevard and Sherbrooke Street.

Entrance on boulevard Gaétan-Laberge: direction downtown, take the main detour and direction Verdun, via rue Gilberte-Dubé, rue Wellington and rue de l'Eglise and follow the detour to the entrance boulevard De La Vérendrye.

In the Turcot interchange, the ramps leading from the A-15 North to the A-20 West (towards Lachine, Dorval) and to the A-15 North (Décarie).

ROUTE 136 / Highway 720 (Ville-Marie)

Friday 10 p.m. to Monday at 5 a.m.

Complete closure of R-136 / A-720 EST (towards downtown), between the Turcot interchange and the entrances to Notre-Dame Ouest and de la Cathédrale streets, in the Ville-Marie tunnel.

Detour: from the A-20 EST or the A-15 South (Décarie), via the ramp for the A-15 South, exit 60 (boulevard Gaétan-Laberge) for the A-10 West ( Bonaventure) and boulevard Robert-Bourassa.

Turcot interchange

Default closure of the ramps leading from the A-15 South (Décarie) and the A-20 EST to the R-136 / A-720 EST (Downtown).


Friday 11:59 p.m. to Monday at 5 a.m.

Complete closure of A-10 EST (towards the Samuel-De Champlain Bridge) between Wellington Street and Nuns' Island.

Detour: via Wellington, Bridge, Irish streets, Chemin des Moulins, Carrie Derrick Street, Gaétan-Laberge Boulevard, and A-15 South.


From Saturday 2 a.m. to Sunday at 7 p.m.

In Pointe-Claire, complete closure of A-40 WEST between exit 52 (boulevard Saint-Jean) and the next entrance.

Detour: via the service road.

Default closure

From Friday 11:59 p.m. to Sunday 8 p.m., entrances from boulevards Saint Régis and des Sources.


Thursday 10 p.m. to Sunday ata.m.

On boulevard Saint-Martin, between boulevard Lesage and R-125, reverse traffic on the west road, 1 lane per direction. 

Default closures

On the R-125 SUD, the exit for boulevard Saint-Martin and the entrance to the boulevard.

Detour, exit: via the exit for boulevard de la Concorde and boulevard Lesage.

Detour, entrance: eastbound, via R-125 North and turn around in the A-440 slip roads and westbound, via A-19 South, rue Fleury and boulevards Saint-Michel and Henri-Bourassa.

Other Road Work

Turcot Project - closure of rue Saint-Jacques in both directions, between boulevard Décarie and chemin Glen / rue De Courcelle, from Friday 10 p.m. to Monday 5 a.m.

Detour: De Maisonneuve Boulevard, Sainte-Catherine Street, Glen Road and Saint-Jacques Street.

From Glen Road South: Via Saint-Jacques Street East, make a U-turn at Atwater Avenue and take the main detour.

From rue Saint-Rémi north: via rue Acorn and rue De Courcelle

Access rue Desnoyers: via rue De Courcelle, Acorn, Saint-Rémi and Desnoyers.

Note: on the A-720 / R-136 West, exit 2 (rue Saint-Jacques) remains open

In Dorval and Montreal (Saint-Laurent arr.), Closure of the Saint-Régis Boulevard section on the overpass over Highway 40, from Friday 8 p.m. to Monday 5 a.m.

Detour: via the A-40 West service road, make a U-turn at Sources Boulevard and east service road.

On Nuns' Island, closure of entrances from René-Lévesque and Île-des-Sœurs boulevards and from rue du Pont-Champlain for the A-15 SUD / Samuel-De Champlain bridge, from Friday 11 p.m. to Monday 5 a.m.

Detour: via the A-10 West, make a U-turn at exit 2 (avenue Pierre-Dupuy), chemin des Moulins, rue C.

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