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Her husband reveals he is bald after they marry and now, she wants a divorce. Is she wrong?

Her husband reveals he is bald after they marry and now, she wants a divorce. Is she wrong?
Image / Arindam Ghosh / iStock / Getty Images Plus / Getty Images

Recently on Nikki and The Morning, Nikki, Mark and Sam discussed a story that has been going viral about a woman who is asking for a divorce, just two days after getting married on the grounds her husband is bald. 

The 27-year-old woman claims she did not know her husband is bald as he was wearing a wig and he had not told her this during their 11-month engagement. 

“The woman told the court that she discovered during the honeymoon that her husband is balding although he is only 28 years told,” a source told Egypt’s newspapers.

The woman says that had she known her husband was bald, she would not have gone through with the marriage and is now insisting on a divorce, saying her husband lied to her.

Is she wrong for asking for a divorce or should it not matter at this point?

Nikki, Sam, and Mark all chimed in, explaining how they would react if they were in her shoes and whether they would forgive their partner. Spoilers, none of them seem to agree on if she is in the wrong or not. Listen to the spot below. Enjoy!

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