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Fellow Audible listeners of Highway of Tears have described this audiobook as chilling, moving, gut-wrenching, heartbreaking, and have listed it as a true must-listen on the platform.
Highway of Tears, written by Jessica McDiarmid and narrated by Emily Nixon recounts the chilling history behind the renaming of an isolated patch of Highway 16 that runs through northwestern British Colombia. It’s renaming to the Highway of Tears follows the horror stories of Indigenous women and girls who have gone missing or been murdered along this secluded roadway over the past several decades.
Throughout this compelling and heart-wrenching work, journalist McDiarmid investigates how systemic racism played, and continues to play, a major role in “the creation of an environment where Indigenous women are over-policed yet
severely under-protected.”
While examining the history of Highway 16 and its path to becoming the Highway of Tears, McDiarmid interviews family members and close friends of the victims to provide a first-hand account of their grief and their continued fight for justice.
I could go on for ages about the importance and significance of this book; it is an absolute must-read and listen for all. Education on crucial matters of injustice is essential and is the critical first step for necessary changes to be made.
Please take the time to listen to this incredibly well-documented work.