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Drinking lots of water is the secret to happiness

Drinking lots of water is the secret to happiness
Image / Guido Mieth / Stone / Getty Images

Is H20 the secret to feeling happy? According to new research, the more water you drink, the happier you’ll be.

That’s right folks; a new study finds the staying hydrated is something we should all do daily.

The study, which was conducted by OnePoll on behalf of O. Vine revealed that the average American drinks almost five glasses of water per day— which might seem like a lot except most experts believe you should drink way more.

The National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine, for example, recommends that men drink 3.7 liters (15.5 cups) of liquids per day, while women should consume about 2.7 liters (11.5 cups) on average daily.

According to the results, those who drink enough water every day are three times more likely to feel very happy.

“With the demands of everyday life, living a healthy lifestyle can sometimes be a challenge, said CEO Anat Levi of O.Vine. “Staying hydrated is a big part of that.”

Now, whenever I read about studies like this, I can’t help but think that maybe these so-called “happy people” also have something else in common. For example, almost everyone I know who drinks that much water in one day frequently exercises, so could keeping in shape also be a contributing factor to their happiness? In other words, are these people drinking enough water because they are exercising, and if so, could it be a combination of exercise and staying hydrated that makes them feel good?

Whatever the case, drinking water daily has plenty of benefits since it gets rid of wastes through urination, perspiration, and bowel movements. Drinking lots of water also helps your joints and protects sensitive tissues and is said to be great for your skin.

Not surprisingly, the study also revealed that people who didn’t drink water daily were not very happy. In fact, nearly a quarter (24%) reported feeling negative because they weren’t drinking water throughout the day.

And according to the thousands of people surveyed, these were the seven most common reasons why they said they didn’t drink water daily:

  • I don’t feel thirsty that often: 44%
  • I prefer to drink other beverages: 42%
  • No time to get water: 34%
  • I forget to: 33%
  • I don’t like paying for bottled water: 25%
  • I don’t trust water from the tap: 22%
  • I don’t like the taste of water: 19%


For more information on the topic, be sure to check out the audio embedded below. 

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