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What your favorite Christmas character says about your personality

What your favorite Christmas character says about your personality
Image / Joaquin Corbalan / Istock / Getty Images

What your favorite Christmas character says about your personality 

You’re an achiever. He is a symbol of perseverance, it is okay to be different, it’s something to be celebrated. Determined and undaunted.

You’re playful and creative. Lovable, huggable Frosty sums up everything fun and creative you are a daydreamer.

You’re a complex smarty. the Grinch is one of the more complex Christmas characters, Intelligent and multi-faceted.

You’re an energetic team player. The unsung heroes of the holidays? Santa’s elves. Humble and down-to-earth yet brimming with infectious energy, you’re a dedicated team player, not just during the holidays but every day of the year. 

You’re a happy person. You embody joy because you relish sharing the things that aren’t necessarily easily tied up with a bow: love, joy, and generosity.

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