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Apparently, 2020 was only the 8th worst time to live through...

Apparently, 2020 was only the 8th worst time to live through...
Image / Pierre-Olivier Valiquette / iStock / Getty Images Plus

As stressful as it was, Historians say 2020 was only the 8th worst time to live through

28 top historians and authors took a survey ranking the most stressful years in American history. After 2020 in number 8 (2001, the year of 911 came in #7, 1962 Cuban Missile Crisis in #6)


  • 1968 - The year of Martin Luther King Jr.'s assassination.
  • 1919 - The year of the Spanish flu.
  • 1838 - the year of the Trail of Tears.
  • 1929 - came in 2nd. That was the year of the Wall Street crash.
  • 1862 - According to historians the worst year to live through was 1862 - The year of the bloodiest battle of the American Civil War .
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