It seems there is a study for just about everything these days. New research out of Sweden suggests that our feet may hold clues to how long we may live.
Doctor Hans Bjors, an epidemiologist from Stockholm said: “As surprising as it seems, foot size does predict your life span.”
The researchers conducted two studies, one with a group of 800 men and women, and the second study was even larger in size.
The results show that men with a size 11 shoe tend to live the longest (75-82 years) and men with a size 5 shoe have the shortest life span (around 63-66 years). With women, they noticed those with a size 4 shoe or a size 11 shoe had the shortest life spans (around 64-69 years) while women with a size 7 shoe live longest with a life span of 78-84 years.
“We used computerized data to compare people from every area of Sweden,” said Bjors. “We studied the age at which they died and the cause of death and found that shoe size was definitely linked to longevity.”
IF you want to know how your foot size compares, the chart below shows the different sizes along with the correlated life expectancy:
Size 4 – 64-69 years old
Size 5 – 70-76 years old
Size 6 – 77-82 years old
Size 7 – 78-84 years old
Size 8 – 73-75 years old
Size 9 – 70-72 years old
Size 10 – 67-70 years old
Size 11 – 66-69 years old
Size 5 – 63-66 years old
Size 6 – 64-69 years old
Size 7 – 66-69 years old
Size 8 – 67-72 years old
Size 9 – 72-75 years old
Size 10 – 73-77 years old
Size 11 – 75-82 years old
Size 12 – 74-79 years old
Size 13 – 67-72 years old
Size 14 – 66-69 years old