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Eliminating this one word from your vocabulary will make you seem less selfish

Eliminating this one word from your vocabulary will make you seem less selfish
Image / Ezra Bailey / Stone / Getty Images

eliminating the word 'actually' from your vocabulary will make you sound less selfish! Are there any other words that you're done with.. actually?

There’s one frequently used word that can make others think you're being selfish, causing a conversation to go wrong in the process: 'actually.' Oftentimes, the word "actually" can sound critical. It can make us sound like a know-it-all or someone who is unwilling to compromise."  Additionally, when you respond to someone with the word—like when a friend confides in you about something that happened to them—they may think you're being negative and only seeing things from your perspective.

Words and phrases to ban from your vocabulary for more confidence

  • Just
  • “I’m no expert, but…”
  • “I can’t”
  • “What if we tried…?”
  • “That is like, so great!”
  • “Am I Making Sense?”

Words you need to eliminate from your vocabulary to sound smarter

  • That
  • Went 
  • Honestly
  • Absolutely
  • Very
  • Really
  • Amazing
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