Are you a smoothie drinker? Here are some great benefits to why integrating a smoothie into your diet is healthy.
The most nutritious smoothies are made with whole foods like"
- Fruits
- Vegetable
- Yogurt
- healthy fats
Try to find those that don't have lots of added sugars. Smoothies high in protein and fiber may even aid weight loss by keeping you full.
Throw some blueberries into your morning smoothie. People who eat one cup of blueberries a day performed better on memory and reaction-time tests and made fewer mental errors up to
four hours after having the smoothie.
Other Benefits can promote hormonal balance, increase bowel movement, they can replace a meal if used right, help with weight loss and keep you energized.
Before jumping into a smoothy phase do some research to see which balanced fruits and vegetables are right for you.