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Montreal to end local state of emergency in place since the start of the pandemic

Montreal to end local state of emergency in place since the start of the pandemic
Image / A&J Fotos / E+ / Getty Images

Montreal has decided to end the state of emergency that has been in place since the start of the COVID-19 pandemic.

Citing a high vaccination rate and the upcoming implementation of the vaccine passport, the 17-month COVID-19-spurred state of emergency will come to an end Friday, August 27.

"The administration is now in a position to plan and carry out its emergency actions without depending on the exceptional powers of the local state of emergency," the press release reads.

The first state of emergency was declared on March 27, 2020, and is now the longest state of emergency in Montreal's history.

The vaccine passport system is scheduled to launch on September 1, with proof of vaccination required to enter non-essential businesses such as bars, restaurants, and gyms.

Provincial health rules will of course remain in place.


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