It’s that time of the year where the clocks spring forward, and the sunlight comes shining in!
Are you looking to start getting your child used to losing that one additional hour of sleep? Well, now is the time to start!
On Sunday, March 13th, we will be losing one hour of sleep as the clocks spring forward. While it might just be one short hour of sleep, parents of young children know that this small change can be drastic for their kids, and the entire household.
According to Montreal Families, they recommend that you start putting your kids to bed 10 - 15 minutes earlier than normal, to start getting them adjusted to the new time change. By doing this, their internal body clock will start getting used to the change, and will be less of a dramatic switch to their sleeping schedule.
Should your children be early risers, reinforce that it is not appropriate to be up at that time and to get them to get back to sleep. Using this practice will help them get used to sleeping at the best time possible.
It is also recommended that you start to set the tone early for your kids leading up to bedtime. Should their bedtime be 7pm, start getting them ready for bed earlier than you normally would. This also includes turning off the lights and screens, finishing supper earlier, and asking family to not call the house as you are in an adjustment period.
While these are simply suggestions of what you can do at home, the transition is unique to every family and to every child. Try your best and before you know it… They’ll be ready for bed!
Good luck parents!