There’s a major shortage of children’s antibiotics in Quebec.
In a recent report made by Quebec Pharmacy Owners' Association (QPOA), the major shortage is likely due to the increase in illnesses in children this fall. Now that mask and physical distancing mandates have come to an end in the country, the increase in sick children (and adults) has never been more present.
With this influx in numbers, many doctors have been prescribing patients with the Amoxicillin antibiotic; a common medication used in pediatrics. With this medication now flying off the shelves, companies are now forced to step up their production.
According to CTV News, “The QPOA discovered the supply problem about a month and a half ago after examining data they collect on the types of prescriptions filled, and noticing an increase in the number of pediatric antibiotics being prescribed.”
While there is no answer as to when the supply of this medication will return to normal, parents can rest assured that pharmacies will find substitute solutions to help their children that are in need of pain relief.