Are your little ones sick at home this week? Looks like there’s something going around…
Quebec’s Education Ministry shared that over 150,000 students were absent from school on Monday, November 21st. A record-breaking number.
“That’s about 12 percent of the province’s preschool, elementary, secondary, vocational training, and adult education students,” according to Global News. “The number is higher than last winter – during the Omicron surge – when health measures were still in place.”
While there are many reasons as to why your kids may be feeling under the weather, health professionals are saying that this is highly due to the fact that children were protected from the many health measures put in place over the last few years, avoiding catching any viruses.
Now that health measures have been dropped, the immunity levels are at an all-time low, making it a lot easier for kids to catch illnesses like colds and the flu.
On top of medication being scarce, professionals are suggesting that you keep your kids at home if they are feeling under the weather.