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Why this doctor believes we should no longer use toilet paper

Why this doctor believes we should no longer use toilet paper
/ Peter Dazeley / The Image Bank / Getty Images

An Australian-based colorectal surgeon, Bradley Morris, is letting his patients know that using a bidet might be the way…

With over 13 thousand followers on Instagram and 24 thousand followers on TikTok, Bradley Morris (also known as ‘The Butt Doctor’), is speaking out against toilet paper use.

He explains that using an excess amount of toilet paper in that area is actually very damaging and can cause many issues on the skin. For this reason, he believes that using water to clean that area might be the safest and most effective way.

“I don’t understand why we use toilet paper to wipe. If you imagine soiling your face or something else where you wouldn’t smear it off with toilet paper. So I think we need to readdress culturally what we do, and maybe look at bidets, and using water to wash, that excess wiping can traumatize the skin.”

In addition, he shares that sitting down for too long is a big no no: “[...] You’re predisposing yourself to problems with the anal canal like tears, and there are long-term issues with some muscles and being able to poo efficiently forevermore.”

While this is a touchy subject that many people would rather keep private, he is using his platforms to break the stigma around colon and anorectal health… And people really are listening!

If you’re interested in learning more, make sure to check him out on Instagram and TikTok!

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