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Discover what you put on your toast says about you!

Discover what you put on your toast says about you!
Toast toppings and spreads / Getty Images

On #NationalPeanutButterDay, we discovered that not everyone likes peanut butter... including our own announcers!

That's when we asked ourselves, what does our favourite toast spreading really mean? And what does it say about us? Here's what we found out: 

1. Peanut Butter

If you put peanut butter on your toast, you like things the classic way. You also tend to have a few funny bones in your body (were you named class clown in High School, perhaps?)

fcafotodigital / E+ / Getty Images

Source: fcafotodigital / E+ / Getty Images

2. Jam or Marmelade

All jam-eaters, we know you have a sweet side. But, not to be fooled, because you can also be very easily angered by others. The sweet notes of your favourite strawberry jam must not be mistaken for your feisty personality.

Gary Yeowell / Stone / Getty Images

Source: Gary Yeowell / Stone / Getty Images

3. Nutella

Awwww! Nutella is only for the kids at heart. You like to eat things that remind you of your childhood and you're always down for having more fun. We wouldn't be surprised if you also have a box of lucky charms or fruit loops lying around!

Jupiterimages / The Image Bank / Getty Images

Source: Jupiterimages / The Image Bank / Getty Images

4. Honey

If you put honey on your toast, we can only take a guess how old you are... But hey, it's a classic! And let's face it, nothing comes close to the taste of honey. 

Javier Zayas Photography / Moment / Getty Images

Source: Javier Zayas Photography / Moment / Getty Images

5. Avocado

Avocado on your toast, or avo-toast, must mean that you like to hop on all the latest trends. You're a foodie, a real pro when it comes to taking pictures of your food and above all, you like to try out new things. 

Anna Blazhuk / Moment / Getty Images

Source: Anna Blazhuk / Moment / Getty Images

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