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What April has in store for you according to your zodiac sign

What April has in store for you according to your zodiac sign
April horoscopes / Tanja Ivanova / Moment / Getty Images

April is already here folks (we know, the month of March just flew by!) To welcome the new month with open arms, here is your official horoscope for the next 30 days according to TikTok predictions

Carol Yepes / Moment / Getty Images

Source: Carol Yepes / Moment / Getty Images

Aries (March 21-April 19)

Productivity and promise are coming for you, Aries! We know you've been working really hard to accomplish your goals, and now they'll finally be coming to fruition! Your dedication and creativity will truly come to light.

Taurus (April 20-May 20)

April is the time for you to take care of yourself, Taurus. Working on your mental and physical health will be super important for you this month (hello, self care!) Towards the end of the month, expect an old friend to come back into your life...

Gemini (May 21-June 20)

Say hello to new people in your life, Gemini! Whether it be new friends or new lovers, your circle will be filled with fresh faces this month. You'll feel more connected, outgoing and sociable than ever before. It's your time to shine!

Cancer (June 21-July 22)

Expect for April to be a very busy month for you, Cancer. Work will take up a lot of your time this month, making your career flourish to the next level. That being said, it will be important that you remember to take some 'me-time' as well. Go get a manicure, a new haircut, and treat yo' self!

Javier Zayas Photography / Moment / Getty Images

Source: Javier Zayas Photography / Moment / Getty Images

Leo (July 23-August 22)

Do you have some unfinished business, Leo? Take this month to face it and deal with it before it's too late. This will be a major transition period for you, a time for new beginnings. Out with the old, and in with the new! You deserve this face of change, Leo!

Virgo (Augst 23-September 22)

You Vir-go, girl! This new month will have you feeling more blessed than ever! While you feel grateful, remember to show those around you just how much you appreciate them. Seize the opportunity to tell a friend, family member or lover just how much you love them in this new month. 

Libra (September 23-October 22)

The month of April smells very romantic and passionate for you, Libra. Someone very special might come into your life this month, but don't be so quick to push them away! Be open to the idea of new love. You never know, they could be 'the one'!

Scorpio (October 23-November 21)

Does something feel off lately, Scorpio? Have you been looking to make a change in your job, diet, relationships, habits or daily schedule? Well, this new month is the time to do it! Take your life into your own hands and make the change. This is your comeback season, Scorpio!

Surasak Suwanmake / Moment / Getty Images

Source: Surasak Suwanmake / Moment / Getty Images

Sagittarius (November 22-December 23)

Something smells confident around here...oh it's Sagittarius in the month of April! Take your bravery into both hands this month and face your fears once and for all. Face the thing you've been avoiding for a while and it will pay off! Be confident!

Capricorn (December 22-January 19)

The past may come back to haunt you this month, Capricorn. Whether it be something or someone, an element from your past will resurface. Is there something you've been waiting to fully get over? This month will be your chance to do so, Capricorn. You won't be able to avoid it for much longer!

Aquarius (January 20-February 18)

Your emotions might be a little bit all over the place in this new month, Aquarius... This will be new for you, as you are used to being 'thick-skinned'. Live your emotions to the fullest in the month of April and remember that it's okay to let your walls come down from time to time!

Pisces (February 19-March 20)

This new month is sure to be busy for you Pisces...but only in the best, most creative ways. You might find the desire to work on an artistic skill of yours, whether that be painting, photography, dance, or even writing. Embrace your inner artist in this new month!

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