The post-holiday school hustle is back on! Although it's supposed to be an exciting time, let's be real, it can also be quite overwhelming!
To help make the transition from holidays to back-to-school a lot smoother in your household, here are a few useful tips to make your life a little easier:
Make a new morning routine
Going back to old routines can be super uninteresting for kids. Instead of going back to your old ways, try incorporating something new into your morning routine to encourage them to participate in getting ready for school.
Use a planner, and stick to it!
Plan, plan, plan! It’ll be easier for you to plan the week ahead of time - from lunches to dinner, to outfits for your kids and more. Take advantage of that planner you got for the New Year and put it to work!
Source: VioletaStoimenova / Getty Images
Have a back-of-the-door checklist
When you're in a hurry and running out of the door, it's easy to forget something important. To avoid forgetting important reminders, you can keep a list of to-do’s on the back of the front door. This way, you (or your child) can do a final check before leaving the house to make sure nothing is forgotten!
Turn your schedule into your phone’s lock screen
With the new year comes new schedules. Not just for you, but also for your children and their busy extracurriculars! It might be a good idea to have the schedule on your phone's lock screen! This could be a helpful way to ensure that everyone is on the same page and prepared for the day ahead!
Source: Delmaine Donson / Getty Images
Celebrate your child’s first week back at school
Just like going back to work after some much-needed time off, going back to school can feel a little discouraging for your kids. However, there are ways to make it more enjoyable! To boost morale, consider organizing a fun activity for the end of their first week, like a movie or family game night!