Recently on the Beat 5@7, Cat Spencer reached out asking for advice on what he should tell his daughter who is about to turn 18 years old. As expected, they received a ton of text messages and phone calls from listeners offering their guidance.
In case you missed it, we’ve embedded the audio above and we’ve also compiled a list below of some advice that was given. Enjoy!
Things every 18-year-old needs to know
- Friendship is about quality, not quantity
- Don’t worry about what others think of you
- Don’t try to fit in, be proud of standing out
- Don’t waste your time trying to get others to like you
- Accept that you make mistakes and move on
- Learn from your mistakes
- Have a great partner or have none at all
- Don’t move together too quickly
- Don’t marry too early
- You always reap what you sow
- Take responsibility for your mistakes
- Get to know your parents
- Cherish your family
- Live within your means / avoid getting into debt
- Don’t make money your highest priority
- Save half your paycheck
- Avoid excesses
- Take care of your health
- Learn to appreciate the little things
- Don’t let anybody stop you from living your dreams
- There is never a right time
- Relax, everything is going to workout
- Hope for the best but plan for the worst
- Travel the world
- Always bet on yourself