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Which month in a year do people like most?

Which month in a year do people like most?
/ John Lamb / The Image Bank / Getty Images

Well, another month has gone by. Which made us wonder, which month do people like most?

According to a new survey of more than 15,000 people shows that January is the most disliked month. About one-quarter chose the first month of the year as the worst one.

February also doesn’t do so well, with about one-in-five saying it’s their least favorite month.

October is at the top of the list as the most-liked time of year. October hits the biannual sweet spot of being not too hot and not too cold.

November the crispness of fall has finally settled in and you no longer have to feel guilty for staying inside on bright, chilly days — the days are just chilly. 

September is a hopeful month: School is back.

The cold in December is the first snow of the year the month and it will feel festive.

June ranks higher than the other summer months because, in most places, July and August are too hot. June has near-perfect weather.

No one should feel strongly about July. The longer the month goes on, the worse it gets. It's officially summer but by the end, you feel in constant need of a shower. 

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