A new survey finds most men are not exactly happy with their appearance. In fact, men, on average, rated their attractiveness as just 5.9 on a scale of 1 to 10.
The poll, commissioned by Superdrug Online Doctor, surveyed over 1,000 men to examine how they feel about their body image. Overall, just 41.9 percent say they’re happy with the way they look in 2022, but the majority— 58.1% of men— aren’t happy with their appearance rating themselves below the 5.9 average.
That’s low and enough for it to impact their mental health in negative ways due to their body image.
The study also found 62% of men wish they were taller while most were insecure about are their weight, lack of muscle tone, their abs (or lack of abdominal muscles), their teeth, and their hair.
Unsurprisingly, it turns out the mirror is the biggest enemy men have, with 40 percent saying looking in the mirror is the top cause of their body insecurity issues.
Age also matters when men discuss attractiveness. The poll reveals fewer men consider themselves attractive the older they get.
Finally, if you do know someone who is feeling negative about their appearance, you might want to suggest they tone down on watching too many Marvel movies. As it turns out, the rise of superhero films may be fun to watch, but they are also promoting an unrealistic view of the male body with 56 percent of men feeling pressure to have the “superhero stereotype” body. In fact, six in ten men say that means having a complete set of abs, which they believe is what draws women to the superhero physique. Men also think women go for a guy who has the superhero chest (49%), biceps (41%), jawline (23%), and butt (20%).
And there you have it, folks, we can all blame Marvel.