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How getting a full night’s sleep can actually help you lose weight

How getting a full night’s sleep can actually help you lose weight
/ OsakaWayne Studios / Moment / Getty Images

Looking to lose weight? Studies have shown that getting your full night’s rest might actually do the trick.

First things first, weight loss is a different journey for every individual. You can read all of the blogs in the world, but not every weight loss recipe will be the right one for you. It is always recommended to discuss your options with a healthcare professional before embarking on your path.

That being said, there are of course certain key factors that generally should be taken into consideration when looking to get effective results. To maintain a healthy lifestyle, it is always recommended to eat clean and to exercise often. But, for some people, implementing the two isn’t quite enough.

According to a study published Monday in the journal JAMA Internal Medicine, adding just one extra hour of sleep per night can contribute to weight loss.

"Along with a healthy diet and regular physical activity, healthy sleep habits should be integrated into public messages to help reduce the risk of obesity and related comorbidities."

The Public Health Agency of Canada says that adults 18-64 years old should get an average of 7-9 hours of sleep per night. However, the reality is, most adults aren’t getting their full rest, due to multiple reasons.

If you’re looking to improve the quality of sleep, the Public Health Agency of Canada recommends the following:

  • Avoid alcohol, caffeine, and nicotine before bed
  • Maintain a regular bedtime/waketime
  • Practice relaxation and mindfulness-based stress reduction techniques
  • Reduce noise in the sleeping environment
  • Exercise regularly
  • Review medications with your physician/pharmacist regularly

The better night’s rest, the more likely you weight loss journey will thrive, in addition to many other factors like your mental and emotional health.

How many hours of sleep do you get on average a night?

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