The Beat 92.5
The Beat 5@7 with Cat & Natasha
Natasha Gargiulo officially joins Cat Spencer as co-host on The Beat 5@7! Subscribe to our newletter!
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The Beat Breakfast Club
Congratulations, Steve! Our lucky Beat winner is going to an all-inclusive in Cancun, Mexico thanks to our friends at Voyages Gendron!
The Beat of your Workday with Meghan Kelly
What do you mean Meghan? Carbs are better COLD?!
Evenings with Catherine D
Where else should you put your milk then?!
The Beat of your Workday with Donna
Can a mother actually pick between her two children?!
The Beat 5@7 with Cat & Natasha
We all took interesting electives in college, right?!
The Beat Breakfast Club
Lee's take on parents being banned from kids' sports games was not very popular...
The Beat 5@7 with Cat & Natasha
From rent increase to Cinémas Guzzo closing two locations, here's everything you've missed today in the news on January 21, 2025.
The Beat Breakfast Club
Can Hannah beat Lee?!
The Beat 5@7 with Cat & Natasha
Welcome to The Beat fam, Natasha!
The Beat of your Workday with Meghan Kelly
Spoilers ahead but adults LOVE Ms Rachel!
The Beat of your Workday with Meghan Kelly
Wait... They swapped a steak for WHAT?!
The Beat of your Workday with Donna
This Blue Monday might feel tougher with the extreme cold weather in Montreal, but Donna hopes her words will bring you some warmth and inspiration.
The Beat Breakfast Club
Wait.. Do Lee and Claudia have a favourite child?!
The Beat of your Workday with Meghan Kelly
Montrealers are sharing their go-to popcorn toppings ahead of National Popcorn Day!
Chappell Roan, Shakira and RAYE will also take to the stage.
Shopping at the SAQ is about to change!
The highest bungee jump (69 metres!!!), and is over the Canada will soon launch at Montreal’s Old Port.
The rapper will have a friend with him.
Dick Van Dyke has revealed his secrets to staying fit and healthy.
The actor is having chemotherapy.
Charli XCX has landed the most BRIT Award 2025 nominations.
Get ready for an exciting start to March, hockey fans!
Ariana Grande has been nominated for an Oscar for her role in Wicked.
The parade will bring Montreal's Chinatown to life featuring a dancing lion, a majestic dragon and much more.
Meg Ryan and Billy Crystal both received Golden Globe nominations for their performances in the 1989 romcom, When Harry Met Sally...
Amy Schumer has reflected on how she was feeling "really down" shortly before filming her new movie, Kinda Pregnant.
Nominations have been announced for the annual iHeartRadio awards.
Brody Jenner has shared details of how frequently he sees his famous siblings.
Looking for a fresh brunch spot in Montreal? We got you covered!
The Miriam Foundation has been supporting people with ASD and ID for over 50 years
Discover tips and ideas for family's mealtime for travel
No-bake vegan desserts are a testament to how simple ingredients, when used thoughtfully, can create magnificent results.
Let's explore a detailed guide to revolutionize your meal prep routine, making every meal a breeze to serve.
Let's dive into five practical suggestions to make snack time both fun and nourishing.
Embarking on a journey to explore nutritious snacks can lead to delightful discoveries!
Discovering the perfect coffee brewing method can transform your morning ritual into an exquisite journey of flavours.
With so many advantages, you'll want to buy one!
Give this checklist a try for a stress-free move!
With so many activities to offer, it’ll answer all your vacay dreams!
Here, we will help you find an apartment and also recommend some tricks to make the best of living in a big city.
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